
Highway lane driving -5 rules

The freeway run up happy chic, even the usually drive carefully ladies and the age of the vehicle is not too long "childish" drivers who have tasted recruit speed on the highway, "You" to 100 km / h or more. However, some every robbery by grinding, "many vicissitudes" old man "motorists they often taste have another choice: Ning to wear vegetable market, not take the" slaughterhouse "(highway). Up fine but wondering, there is some truth in this argument.In fact, "Zhiyizhibi, know yourself" discipline-honored, as long as a good understanding of the characteristics of highway driving, and then according to their actual ability to lane can be safely and quickly through the highway destination. 

1, the highway is generally much smaller than the city's downtown area density of vehicles, while the intersection, bend majority moderate, so the speed limit is higher. Many motorists in the high-speed set foot naturally and unconsciously speed mentioned that the upper limit of their ability to control the car, at which point any unforeseen circumstances will result in a dangerous situation or accident. So the most important thing is for highway traffic to control their emotions, maintain a safe speed, never exceeding the speed limit by speed limit signs. Of course, can not exceed their own ability to control the car to the pursuit of speed limits on the speed limit.  

Best to let the speed to 8O% lower than the capacity of their own control car.Highway speed, it seems everybody seems rapid staunch, but be sure to keep in mind the principle of the high-speed lane on the road should be: gentle, tender, and then gentle. High-speed traffic is the most taboo action blunt, hit the steering wheel when the steering to excessive over most of the rear wheels lose grip and cause loss of control of the vehicle. 

 Especially the current square unexpected, but can not scramble to play the direction should decelerate while as comfortable as possible to the direction of rotation, allowing the car to escape the danger smooth.3, 'early' referrals' late 'reporting' is also a highway driving one of the safety rules. Whether to overtake or to slow down, want to change the channel and line, or to exit the main road, each intent should be early signals of vehicles around the action has to later. Signals consequences of immediate action is often not the cause of the accident is to interfere with the normal running of other vehicles.

