
Ten guide to buy car for female

① Compared with men, most women seem to lack the Flanagan car tendons; if you think you can not pass fast becoming a car in the short term. Male friends may wish to take the car with her boyfriend or husband, or understand the car, let them do your automotive consultant.
② Do not light the shape of the car by the fans, best to test drive, take a look at whether good open. Car addition is to hold the view, after all, is used to open.
③ car dynamic performance, handling, and some paper parameters, do not be too concerned about. For female owners, safety performance, even simple and smooth automatic gearbox is often more important for women car configuration.
④ women born like shopping, to go and carry the belongings of a lot more than men, so the best time to buy a car to consider ample space models. Also, pay attention to the car of a variety of handy storage box adequacy, such as a shoe box, glove boxes and boxes of glasses for female owners tend to be very practical.
Individuals ⑤ preference for carts and off-road vehicles. The female car or recommend a small, flexible models, one is a good opening, is a good stop. In addition, women car buyers the best choice for low chassis models, not only up and down convenient car driving smoother.
Shopping ⑥ play female talent: bargain, businesses are given as much as none other. Even businesses profit margins in the price given no cheap, can also "grind" some car supplies gift.
⑦ women are very offensive, more is not girls owners rarely pay attention when driving tank, often is not open to oil before suddenly wake, so I chose a low fuel consumption, large capacity fuel tank models refueling at the gas station queuing very important.
⑧ many women like to hang ornaments in the car, some people even hang over the cars are, in fact, doing so is unscientific. Charm is not impossible to hang, but should not affect the car's line of sight prevail.
⑨ wear high heels even more women grace, but will bring insecurity to wear high-heeled shoes in the car, because the heel not well ground, will affect the brake efforts and reaction time. Really wear high heels but have to drive occasions, may wish to prepare a pair of sneakers in the trunk, and the car put on.
⑩ If economic conditions permit, it is recommended to buy new models of high technical content, either a lot of new automotive technology is to make the car more simple good open either car traveling more safe and reliable.

