
How to choose Digimaster 3 insurance make the car more insurance

After you buy a new car, in addition to give the new car license, buy Digimaster 3 insurance is a very important thing. Owners lack of insurance knowledge often encounter such a dilemma: an accident, the insurance money sometimes is not enough compensation; no accident, on so many insurance and feel very injustice. How, then, according to the actual situation on their car insurance, which insurance this on what not on what types of insurance do not have on it?
Select qualified vendors
To buy a new car, vehicle owners through many channels on insurance. Common channels through car dealers on insurance, the second is the owners directly select the insurance companies.
Many vehicles now have a point of sale point of the agent auto license and insurance agents, owners pay agency fees as long as you can through them to give the new car insurance. Select car dealers, insurance agents and save time, but also pay attention to several issues.
One must look at the car dealer insurance agent qualification. If not, it is best not to let them charge d'affaires, in order to avoid trouble or deceived.
Clear out what vehicle insurance insurance to the agency staff to consult their own on what types of insurance, the premium is how much. The owners Mr. Wei had eaten such a loss. A few years ago, Mr. Wei bought a Santana, then find an insurance agent. Insurance agents with Mr. Wei said to him on the whole risk. Happy coincidence, did not open a month on the stolen car. Mr. Wei find their own insurance single look, there is not even on Daoqiang Xian! No way, Mr. Wei nothing. Therefore, in the choice of the insurance agent, agency staff must be accountable to said Ching own request.
The two main risk must
The choice of vehicle insurance coverage, it is recommended that the two main insurance must be on. First, Che Sunxian, third party liability insurance. The two types of insurance is a basic guarantee for the owners after an accident, the loss of people and cars can get compensation.
In addition, the two additional insurance proposals, the owners of the best on. A Daoqiang Xian, the other is not deductible insurance. Pilfer can ensure that the loss of the owners to receive compensation once the vehicle is stolen or robbed. The terms of the insurance company's insurance has a franchise, owners take full responsibility for the accident, the insurance company deductible of 20%, the main responsibility of the deductible 15%, 10% deductible equal responsibility, secondary liability deductible 5%. Reduced to a minimum in order to let themselves economic compensation, the owner of the best to spend 100 yuan to buy a non-deductible insurance, so, regardless of the owners to bear much responsibility in the accident, the insurance company will pay all premiums to owners.
Premium is not as high as possible
Some owners worry about their own car in case of an accident, to bear a heavy financial compensation, the insured will select the high premiums. But the dangerous condition of the vehicle is actually very low rate, a considerable part of the owners or spent money wasted.

