
The modification of the fuel supply system

The optimum air-fuel ratio of the engine is 14.7:1, but if the high-speed, high-load if you want to require higher engine output, usually want air-fuel ratio to 12:1-13:1. The modification of the fuel supply system is to "at the appropriate time to an amount of increase the amount of oil, so that the air-fuel ratio moderately larger. Modification of the jet fuel supply system can be divided into two categories of the changed hardware and change software, change hardware mesh to increase the amount of oil per unit of time. Change the software change its oil supply program. A regulatorThe pressure regulator in the system of multi-point injection passage of the nozzle, which is responsible for providing a fixed pressure, the greater the pressure, the amount of gasoline discharged by the same injection time more. Installation of a pressure regulator can be said that the modification of the fuel supply system, the most costly as the cheapest, and its installation is quite easy. Second, the injector
Third, oil supply computer chips usually professional tuner will supply special models modified with a computer chip. So the resulting oil program is still fixed, just amend the original car program, which is very important is no longer off the oil compensation off the oil injection program to control the time can be delayed or even canceled. The modification must be selected and your car modified condition similar chip.The variable program oil computer which is the most expensive in the fuel supply system modification is also the most effective one, is HALTEC computer. Via the computer owners in accordance with the degree of modification of the car engine with the air-fuel ratio meter measurements set out the best oil program, that is, before the text of the basic jet program as well as various compensation injection program can take advantage of an external laptop arbitrary changes. Its biggest advantage is the future engine and then the changed and modified, if the original oil program substandard condition can be corrected through the program immediately resolved.PlayHow happy how to playHigh-speed cornering Raiders bendIn high-speed corners is the larger arc bends (bend angle greater than 90 degrees) and can be used more than three-wave-band high speed through.Shui in high-speed corners often "outside the Chinese and foreign law mainly However, the greater the curvature of the bend, the turning point began difficult to hold up, imagine when the five waves bend close to a straight line passing through a turning point was to find out how difficult. So, when radians large high-speed corners to an extent, unless they are driving on the track, the corners are already know in advance, or should try to make their own growth in the inside lane of the time, so that it has been easy to drive.
SkillfulTips to solve a big problemCar clever refrigerationThe height of summer, the car in the sun for a while, the temperature inside the car could be as high as sixty to seventy degrees Celsius, then I wanted to drive this car is simply too painful. To come up with sprinted into the car starts, turn on the air conditioning to the wind speed maximum gear, then exit the vehicle waiting for a few minutes after the temperature inside the vehicle down into the car again. Actually, this is not only effective cooling methods have varying degrees of damage on the engine and catalytic converters, and to do so will cause the heat load of the air conditioning system, there are a lot of fuel consumed in vain. Here to introduce you to a few small ways.

