
4 popular Chevrolet car car Raiders Digimaster 3

Starting to focus on the development of the  Digimaster 3   auto finance business as more and more car prices, interest-free, "" low interest "concessions began flooding the market. Auto finance car than bank loans more relaxed censorship, suitable for most wage earners. However, the choice of car at the same time, should exploit the use of the auto finance business. Issue, the reporter of the popular Chevrolet models staging business surveys, consumers can choose a suitable own.The new SONATA eight get a lot of attention since its listing this year. Reporter survey found that, in addition to standard credit products, Beijing Hyundai, as well as "50:50 credit" flexible loan products. And the Beijing Hyundai cooperative banks many variety of products, a number of 4S stores has also launched the "zero interest rate" and "zero fee" deals.
In a Beijing Hyundai 4S shop staff told reporters that the current staging car buyers need to charge a fee, and there was no special offers. In addition, the staff recommends consumers if Construction Bank credit cards, get loans 70% installment, one-year non-interest bearing. Dealer recommended that consumers choose Shenzhen Development bank installments more affordable.
Shanghai GM Financial has declared two days the car can be achieved from the application to the lender as fast as one   
Digimaster 3 For Sale   hour, the fastest. In addition, the auto finance loan period can be extended to four years or even five years, the down payment can be relaxed to 20%. Reporter survey found that many young consumers more concerned about the Chevrolet young people plan ", the main reason is to audit the easy, low for the month.
Reporter went to Shanghai GM, Beijing South Fourth Ring a 4S shop, store installment Ministry staff, a minimum down payment of 30% of the Mai Po sharp 1.6T Deluxe Edition, for example, is priced at 159,900 yuan, 3 years period of months for less than 4,000 yuan. However, after the reporter consulted a few shops are not encountered in 20% of the low down payment project.Reinstall last year listed Mondeo - winning space superiority has been recognized by many consumers. Reporter learned that, Ford Automotive Finance launched the activities of the "low interest rates". However, the the Ford auto finance staff said a phased program for the specific model, you need to consult your local dealer.
4S shop in Beijing's Chaoyang District, parents Chan An Ford staff briefed reporters on this program. 2011 Mondeo - winning 2.3L Luxury for example, the discount price of $ 13.48 million. The sales staff recommended  
Lecteur de code PIN  a 30% down payment, if you want the lowest interest rate for the month of close to 1 million.

