
Practical astern skill solve lexia 3 astern difficult problem

First, a wrong idea, saying back as lexia 3  long as look mirror and rearview mirror can, in fact, this is not enough, because novice was not used to look at the mirror, and what's more, while backing behind will inevitably have pedestrians and bicycle, so, still should form the good habit of back look back, and will look mirror and rearview mirror as supplementary means.

Astern skills and note:

Reverse speed shall not be higher than 2 meters/seconds, slow can give themselves more observation and play room for wheel.

For the novice, it completed a movement, all want to get off at the front, back, left, find the next improvement feeling, so repeated practice, it can get twice the result with half the effort.

Pour into parking is unique skill, reverse don't forget to play turn light hint.

The car and the road opposite sides-to hold 10 -- 20 cm apart for good, is probably a mirror width.

One, although the car is in fall backwards, but eyes going farther and see, novice especially should pay attention to. St in general don't teach these practical common sense. Back if you don't pay attention to driving, driving on both sides is likely the ceng things, hit man is more trouble. The left back, should pay attention to right   Launch X431 GX3   headstock, right back to pay attention to the left front. Two car head often ceng injury is not pay attention to the cause of the article.

Second, if the space is too small, the car on both sides have obstacles, the left back, as far as possible let body stick left, and put right, so that we can advance a dozen the steering, shorten astern distance. How to stick? Could start straight down once, again, on the left or right stick, and then poured is ok.

Three, backing up before you observe good terrain, in the parking place, open the past when you need to pay attention to good first open peripheral whether have obstacles.

Four, if someone in, can let he help command, must remember to rolled down his window, otherwise the outside people shout broken throat, you also can't hear. Especially the novice, easy to panic, taking care not to come over, through the window, the voice small may hear. Windows rolled down another advantage is: if can't see the ground condition, can stick your head out of the window to observe.

Five, if not place spacious, while backing don't pour too much, enough to walk in front of it. After all, but later than go on a little bit difficult, risk factor high a little.

Six, parking astern, fall backwards, the more the forward on, the more the more easily parked good, especially distance partial small parking more to be like this operation, otherwise probably stop did not enter. This a novice to be careful, intermediate driver improve the technology available.

Seven, parking astern, enter the Angle to 40 degrees or so advisable, ever right rear fall, for example, in the direction of a left time is very important, pay attention to driving, feeling driving can, can play the direction. Usually, at this point, to the rear of the car parking Spaces of a third place, the direction of a late words, the back of the space is not enough, body also might be too right, the right side is the wall, you can the top; Playing too early and possible body still outside, to move several times to into a, the novice probably move in. Astern parking,  obd2 tool   cut Angle and playing wheel timing is important. The experience and field conditions shall prevail, extremely challenging, novice don't be afraid, to have the courage to practice more.

Eight, finally said that an important experience: don't in situ play wheel, very loss car, power also sink. If you need a few a few next move the car, pay attention to in every movement finished up and down in front of the car to stop not stop, in reverse back to a wheel, can play much how to play, so that your next action is saved to play so much.

A lot of technology is the habit of accumulation. But there is a, no matter you car back-draft radar how powerful, also do not rely solely on it, to really put the habit and technical style, so, no matter what special circumstances, is easy to deal with.

