
DO you understand the insulation film's lexia 3 v47?

With the emergence of a large number  lexia 3 v47 of OEM products, poor insulation film filled with the entire market. Surface because the owners do not understand the expertise, it is difficult to careful study. In fact, the deeper reason is that the owners have failed to recognize the hazards of poor quality insulation film, most of the owners may think that even if accidentally buy inferior, the big deal is to lose some money. In fact, the the poor quality Shenzhen insulation film implies a lot of ills, we talk about its hazards.
Clarity, endangering traffic safety national Ministry of Public Security Traffic Safety regulations specified must be greater than 70%, the transmittance of the front windshield. Frankly, how many there will be some impact on the film on the front windshield sight, only high-quality film and bad film, very different in this regard. Quality film will strictly enforce the light transmission standard, as far as possible to minimize the impact of so negligible, while the the inferior film a hidden danger is the transmittance does not meet the standard. This is why some car Foil was blurred, especially in the rainy night driving.
Residual volatile matter, which harm human health, poor quality film stained film, I believe many of my friends have seen the stain, also heard of the sense of smell of the stain. Chemical varnish stain layer will cause the car pollution and damage to human health.
, Chemical adhesive layer absorbs  
BMW OPS DIS V57 heat, causing the glass hidden in Guangdong, there was a film sell very fire, but has now almost disappeared, I heard that dealers have been because of quality problems boycott, one of the main problems is the The film can easily lead to the glass burst this test was done at the time, baking in the light, whichever is the template, the diaphragm soon warpage, again testing watered down effect. This is the a typical endothermic film, which is characterized by: First, the chemical varnish heat coming changes, so that the original performance gradually lost; absorb heat the glass temperature is too high, the long-term expansion and contraction, eventually leading to the glass burst.
, Note purchase points, the correct choice of products the following performance indicators are optional key: quality heat proof film insulation heat rate market rate is between 40% -70%, the heat rate of more than 80% The solar film does not exist. UV blocking rate generally heat proof film UV blocking rate of only 40%, while the quality of insulation explosion-proof membrane because its deep filling ultraviolet absorbers such indicators can be up to 99% more. Insulation on the market explosion-proof film visible light transmittance of visible light transmittance of 50% -75%, before the 
VAS 5054A  regulations block the light transmittance of the glass is required to achieve 70%, so should pay attention to their consumers pick the front windshield film through the light rate to be 70%. Visible reflectance of visible light reflected the high rate of heat proof film to reflect heat, and general film reflective rate should not exceed 10% of the front windshield, or they might affect the safety of driving.

