
The transponder Chip Swifts trial Mate Wei sport short spring

Enhance vehicle handling is the a modified car Transponder Chip players most basic upgrade project, but the manipulation performance improvements will need to take into account a lot of external factors, the first is comfort. Enhance handling performance and ride comfort is impossible to achieve a perfect balance, so the biggest changes to enhance the handling performance is to reduce the ride quality of the car. Followed by, related to performance improvement member will affect the distance between the body with the ground, the tire and wheel eyebrow, through sexual attendant will have a larger variation.
The common market to enhance the handling performance shock absorbers are mainly composed of three kinds of sport short springs, shock absorbers suit, unscrewing suspension, did not introduce one here, there are a large number of records in the previous article. In this one, the short spring products popular modification enthusiasts favor due to its low price, and destroy the small comfort of the original car, and get some handling performance, the most important thing is the vehicle without sacrificing too much by .
Recently Mate Wei Chinese to 
transponder chip key mitsubishi invincible car network sets corresponding to the short spring of popular models for users to try one of the Swift riders honored to be the first time sent his detailed installation test report.
Models: Swift 1.3 manual is less than 20,000 km of vehicle age
Owners: a thirty without legislation, has nearly 15 years of car magazines to read history, but lack of experience in the pseudo-fans
Time: December 18, 2012 Sunday Clear Temperature minus 4 degrees Celsius
Location: corner of the Tianjin Development Zone on a remote road
Tools required: 12 # 13 # 14 # 18 # socket wrench, demolition tire wrench, flathead screwdriver, two jacks, the dissolution of spring Rama (homemade), paint pen, opening adjustable wrench, a few pieces of broken bricks
Motive: to lower the center of gravity to
transponder chip reader increase the performance of vehicle anti-roll, and enhance the car driving experience, especially in cornering.
I have not modified the experience, but we people contests, do not believe other craft converted stores (especially the attitude) decided we own dry finally toss six hours, the hearts singing the Divine Comedy, add a couple of meat bun in the middle, finished. Process of ups and downs, hard in this is not as elaborate. Fun, toss!

