
The panoramic parking PK automatic lexia 3 parking

April 19, 2011, the 14th Shanghai state-owned lexia 3  Automobile Industry Exhibition grand opening. The Shanghai Auto Show, headed by Germany's Volkswagen Ashkenazi brand pushing the automatic parking system, the first models FAW Volkswagen CC and Shanghai Volkswagen, the new Passat are standard automatic parking system. In addition, the the Citroen Asia-Pacific starting a new generation of C4 will also use the automatic parking system. So much of the first new vehicle automatic parking system, a great feeling of an automated parking will soon be common.
However, I also found at the auto show a few notes of discord, Shanghai Volkswagen's new Passat is equipped with an automatic parking is also equipped with a reverse image. In my opinion, perhaps consumers will be for a one configuration spend money wasted
Automatic parking system, known as automatic parking, in fact, just a parking assist. Automatic parking system to take over the
Lexia-3 Citroen/Peugeot Diagnostic Tool  command of the steering wheel from the hands of the driver. The driver simply controls the throttle, brake, maintain a reasonable speed, can successfully stop the car into parking spaces. The following the Pacific Automotive gateway Detailed diagram of the automatic parking system in the Mercedes-Benz B200, I believe you read will glance.
Large-scale attack in the Ashkenazi automatic parking, Nissan as the leading Japanese manufacturers also find one of the most intuitive solution - panoramic parking. Nissan brand Infiniti EX models is one of the representatives. Simply said, the panoramic parking system Infiniti EX is equipped with four cameras arranged around the body of the vehicle, and its captured images reflect the real to the driver. It sounds simple, but doing it is not the case. First, in order to ensure a broad perspective, the camera must be as a fish-eye lens. Second, the fisheye shot out the image larger difference between the actual situation and need a chip to process these images as much as possible to restore the real situation of the body around. Then, the onboard computer of the confluence of these images up and to simulate aerial view around the body, eliminating all the dead line of sight.
From the practical analysis, automatic parking may be exempted from a novice in the parking into place when mishandled 
lexia3 V47 pp2000 direction embarrassment, but in actual use, the automatic parking there are many use restrictions, such as: parking space length must be more than a body length of 1 meter or so, the driver should always be in the process of automatic parking control the throttle, brakes, speed too fast or too slow will affect the success rate of automatic parking.
Panoramic parking to motorists will fully reflect the situation around the body, so the parking process more transparent and intuitive. However, if the the panoramic parking image processing chip is not strong enough, then the driver to see the image from the panoramic parking system will be the real situation of a large gap.

