
Try M family fastest cars BMW GT1 M6

If BMW is performance and control BMW GT1 of pronoun, so its M models is BMW sports talent develops acme. In other words, the only thing I can imagine to describe M models words is rough. Today's leading role is carrying the BMW M series is the strongest power supply 2013 mustang M6 Coupe. Let's get straight to the point, feel the new BMW M6 brings to us is the strongest passion.

Since many BMW models give up naturally aspirated engine, large-scale use of turbo power, remember a lot of friends on the way of doing very puzzled. But according to the current situation, we get a more powerful motivation and more environmental emissions, and people pay more attention to the low oil consumption. We have any reason to refuse to turbocharging?
Read the passage, I think we have guessed the latest some of the M6, yes. And BMW M5 is same, generation of the BMW M6 carry the most tough 4.4 T V eight double turbocharged engine, which replaced the original 5.0 L v10s naturally aspirated engine. From the parameters on look, the most high power up to 412 kw, peak torque is jumps 160 n m.  lexia 3 pp2000  to 680 n m..

I think we see in the new dynamic parameters of the M6 when they have to shake it, but need to everyone that the M6 that carry the power system, and before the new M5 listed (F10) are all the same, but with the X5M and X6M that carry the code for S63B44 engine have some difference.

In 2013 the M6 carrying engine code for S63B44Tu, join suffix represents the technical innovation. X6M use double turbocharged engine consists of two root vortex tube their derivation four cylinder in the waste gas, then to promote respectively two turbine for work.

And new M6 use respectively S63B44Tu engine by four pillars vortex tube is derived respectively two cylinder of gases, thus to push the two turbine, this technology makes the engine has a greater torque, and broader power output speed range. The actual bring us the benefit of a, compared with X5M and X6M 408 kw of power, the M6 have 412 kw  ADS-1S Scanner maximum power or have a lot of ascension, and in the peak torque speed, also be more broad some. 

