
MaxiVideo MV101 suitable for outing viewing B class car

At present, our country medium-sized MaxiVideo MV101  car market competition is intense with each passing day, each big manufacturer increases configuration "upgrade " motion as one falls, never stopped; today to introduce the four models is a mid-size car sales charts on a regular, they not only completed the representative of social status, to meet the pursuit of Technology, solve the life the basic functions, but also for those to the comfortable request more and more high consumers pay a satisfactory answer.

For the requirements of comfort consumers have also been increasing attention: a suitable model can not only let the driver in driving long distances in more relaxed and comfortable, can let the rear passengers from motion sickness, bumpy discomfort, believe that more easy to enjoy the holiday is a car person hope. So this article focus on these models are suitable for autumn to enjoy the scenery at the same time, also pay more attention to them in routine use in the comfort performance of.

Dongfeng Nissan Teana cars under the banner since 08 years since the replacement in the domestic sales have more than 4 years, by virtue of excellent design and atmosphere rich interior  V-checker V301  configuration has won domestic consumers -- sales stable, have a good reputation. A scenic drive, configuration of nature cannot be ignored an investigation index, Teana allows you to wherever is an old horse which knows the way: this year's new models for the first time into the " CARWINGS line + " intelligent omni-directional traffic service system. For the owners to provide passive and message level security services, as long as you enter the target information, system can indicate the best route or detailed information, allowing you to the car, the car, the destination information circumstances stick out a mile.

Enter autumn, day turns gradually cool, the elderly, children of the family, front and rear seats electric heating fully meet your needs, particularly with heating function, in a short period of time will seat up to the most comfortable temperature, simulation of hand massage on the human body by needle are most easily fatigue parts of the massage, effectively reduce your long-distance driving fatigue. It is worth mentioning that the ASCD cruise control system, the highway road, just press the  Outil de crochetage automobile  steering wheel-mounted cruise control button, control system for power output of automatic control, to maintain the set speed, remove your fatigue caused by frequency accelerator.


400,000 imported Wagon Ds 708 shopping guide

Busy work, the congestion of the city, and  Ds 708  more want to relax physically and mentally exhausted, which is now the pursuit of the people in the workplace - the family together to the outskirts of a breath of fresh air, comfortable car and car quality is an important indicator of the selected car. Travel Edition is the exclusive car for those who love cars, love life, love driving, more consumers are ready to love family sedan! Today, we introduce four four hundred thousand yuan level of imports Wagon: Mercedes-Benz C-Class station wagon, MAGOTAN Alltback, Volvo V60 and Audi A4 allroad.
Models: Mercedes-Benz C200 Luxury Sports Travel Edition
Mercedes-Benz as the inventor of the automobile, more than a hundred years production experience accumulated with the technological innovation of the car, the Mercedes-Benz brand in the luxury segment has very high visibility, disk codenamed W201 Mercedes-Benz 190 officially unveiled in the end of 1982, Mercedes-Benz given its role sporty compact class sedan, the 1996 Mercedes-Benz C-Class station wagon, strong technical Benz CLASSIC, ELEGANCE, ESPRIT and SPORT
Autel Maxidas Ds708 four C-Class station wagon version to provide consumers with the largest reserve of 1510 liters The box load space even into today, it makes a lot of competitors feel the pressure! Mercedes-Benz C-class wagon services for home consumers, once launched on the well received!
Benz has a very powerful brand influence the minds of consumers in the domestic, the brand visibility in the news programs are not low, so that Chinese consumers keep in mind the high-end luxury car brand. Ashkenazi three cars in the same level, Mercedes-Benz C-class travel version is only a wagon into the Chinese market, prestigious family, but Mercedes-Benz C-class travel version of the sales price is not high above, and they tend to drive traveling by car, but also a very high value brand of household consumers or authorized this car.
The car, equipped with a Mercedes-Benz carefully built 1.8-liter turbocharged direct injection engine, 1800 rpm twisting meters of peak torque, weighing more than 1.6 tons of C-class wagon 0-100 acceleration in just 8.2 seconds, will be able to achieve 270 plus 7-speed automated manual gearbox with high speed, very calm interludes beyond to make long-distance travel becomes more fun! The combined fuel consumption of 8.2 liters ultra-low, will let consumers and family members traveling by car when no longer fuel costs to worry about.

Although car guide price is more  
MaxiDAS DS708 Scanner than four hundred thousand, but equipped with adjustable suspension, tire pressure monitoring, reverse image, 10-speaker DVD, car hard, and human-computer exchange system, rich configuration so with a young and old and C200 Luxury Sport Travel Edition will be very comfortable on long journeys! Mercedes-Benz C-class travel, quality, brand, configuration and driving experience are the consumers are very satisfied with 1500 liters maximum load space and electric trunk door, so this car is very suitable for the home consumer habits. Born to a noble brand influence, so that consumers can also drove it decent out of the business activities. The main consumer groups are basically three-year-old, well-educated white-collar workers, maintenance costs can be further reduced, the car will let consumers and their families more pleasant to enjoy a car lives!



The panoramic parking PK automatic lexia 3 parking

April 19, 2011, the 14th Shanghai state-owned lexia 3  Automobile Industry Exhibition grand opening. The Shanghai Auto Show, headed by Germany's Volkswagen Ashkenazi brand pushing the automatic parking system, the first models FAW Volkswagen CC and Shanghai Volkswagen, the new Passat are standard automatic parking system. In addition, the the Citroen Asia-Pacific starting a new generation of C4 will also use the automatic parking system. So much of the first new vehicle automatic parking system, a great feeling of an automated parking will soon be common.
However, I also found at the auto show a few notes of discord, Shanghai Volkswagen's new Passat is equipped with an automatic parking is also equipped with a reverse image. In my opinion, perhaps consumers will be for a one configuration spend money wasted
Automatic parking system, known as automatic parking, in fact, just a parking assist. Automatic parking system to take over the
Lexia-3 Citroen/Peugeot Diagnostic Tool  command of the steering wheel from the hands of the driver. The driver simply controls the throttle, brake, maintain a reasonable speed, can successfully stop the car into parking spaces. The following the Pacific Automotive gateway Detailed diagram of the automatic parking system in the Mercedes-Benz B200, I believe you read will glance.
Large-scale attack in the Ashkenazi automatic parking, Nissan as the leading Japanese manufacturers also find one of the most intuitive solution - panoramic parking. Nissan brand Infiniti EX models is one of the representatives. Simply said, the panoramic parking system Infiniti EX is equipped with four cameras arranged around the body of the vehicle, and its captured images reflect the real to the driver. It sounds simple, but doing it is not the case. First, in order to ensure a broad perspective, the camera must be as a fish-eye lens. Second, the fisheye shot out the image larger difference between the actual situation and need a chip to process these images as much as possible to restore the real situation of the body around. Then, the onboard computer of the confluence of these images up and to simulate aerial view around the body, eliminating all the dead line of sight.
From the practical analysis, automatic parking may be exempted from a novice in the parking into place when mishandled 
lexia3 V47 pp2000 direction embarrassment, but in actual use, the automatic parking there are many use restrictions, such as: parking space length must be more than a body length of 1 meter or so, the driver should always be in the process of automatic parking control the throttle, brakes, speed too fast or too slow will affect the success rate of automatic parking.
Panoramic parking to motorists will fully reflect the situation around the body, so the parking process more transparent and intuitive. However, if the the panoramic parking image processing chip is not strong enough, then the driver to see the image from the panoramic parking system will be the real situation of a large gap.


The Ford Ids Vcm clutch no operating driving skills

Played a clutch as the important   Ford Ids Vcm   component of the car on the past and the important role so that the car smooth start, interruption to the power transmission system, with the shift, overload preventing drivetrain. Clutch nip, it ensures smooth transport of the power of the engine to the gearbox input shaft, in conjunction with the gearbox so as to achieve the purpose of the output power. There is also an important role in separation so that the gearbox input shaft and output shaft rotational speed synchronization to facilitate the shift.
The foregoing analysis clutch laminated to guarantee power output. Above said synchronization can smoothly shift to the clutch by the separation of the gearbox input shaft and output shaft rotational speed synchronization, in order to facilitate the shift, the key is the gearbox input shaft and the output shaft speed. Satisfied this premise does not depress the clutch so separated smooth shift. Specifically, by adjusting the speed of the engine when the clutch is not depressed in the nip state, that is, the engine speed is the rotational speed of the gearbox input shaft, as long as the shift operation can be performed in synchronization with the rotation speed of the output shaft. Eliminating the need to depress the clutch trouble. The clutch is wearing parts life, less natural to extend the service life.
However, this operation requires a certain amount of experience and skills, not blindly description section, or the transmission gears will be damaged, not worth the effort. The first description section clutch free  
eobd2  operation Abstract file moving when you release the throttle the moment lever gently to the force pick a file, it will immediately slide into the neutral. The principle is that when accelerating the engine with the wheels turn, the wheel deceleration with engine revolution, the gearbox transmission gear is engaged state in a free state only if the moment of the resumption of oil gearbox input shaft and output shaft speed synchronous gearbox transmission gear prevent swap file force, just the positioning spring lever controls will not be out file, touch on natural slide into neutral. Conversely hanging file is also true when Coasting just to file lever a force to overcome the spring force of the lever positioning just a gearbox input shaft and output shaft speed synchronization it automatically slid into the file nest. No operation completed clutch gear process.
Driving have this experience, is in the shift when the clutch is just step did not fully depressed, the clutch is not completely isolated, hand, feet, put a file, this is because the gearbox input shaft coincided with the results of the rotational speed of the output shaft, I said the clutch the operating shift the timing. Remember that speed and the speed will be able to repeat that shift.
Does not step on the clutch gear shift, only the vehicle in a stationary state can not, because the engine is rotating the wheel is stationary, and can turn off the engine, because the two stationary state naturally synchronized. As long as the engine is in turn the wheels in turn there is synchronization point will be able to operate. Grasp the general state of the engine to be speed and the speed with  
eobd2  scanner various stalls oil minimum speed is the timing, that moment immediately following harvest can hang.
This technique could not shop in the village could not before encountered clutch cable sudden breaking or clutch failure will not anchor points can not be separated in the wild, the opportunity to calmly deal. Skilled can significantly extend clutch life.


Analysis of engine modification

Enhance the dynamic performance is  obd2 the most effective way is the modification of the engine system, the first is a modification of the computer. Existing vehicles increasingly sophisticated, such as the speed limit, the speed limit, the ignition timing, the air-fuel ratio adjustment and so by the trip computer to execute, commonly referred to as the modified computer control chip to be replaced by means of different set the vehicle's performance has improved. To change the computer to the original speed and speed limit be lifted, but Be careful when using the.

Long-term in a high-speed engine, a very serious impact on the internal mechanical wear and tear, if the speed restrictions were lifted in the behind to enjoy the thrill of high-speed brings, is accelerated to reduce the service life of the engine. As for the lifting of the restrictions of the original security speed, from a security point of view, we do not agree. Because each car factory, the factory will be based on the performance and structure of the vehicle itself, the speed on certain restrictions, safety first is the move of the main considerations. If the owners of any lifting of the speed limit, when the vehicle speed to the vehicle itself critical point, some can not control, very dangerous situation.

Start from the increase in fuel, is also obtained the horsepower upgrade one of the methods, such as the recent market, a lot  
Renault CAN Clip of gasoline pressure adjustment valve / SuperAFC, is to increase the air-fuel ratio of the modified goods. Booster increase the displacement to be considered to enhance horsepower, cylinder expansion or replacement of the long-stroke crankshaft can increase in engine displacement, so that the engine output naturally with c. c, the number of corresponding rise early self-Cylinder Boring increased displacement, to no longer apply, replaced by a suite facelift or construction engine sent abroad, but the universality of the vehicles on facelift cam axis much higher, generally specific tuner / European cars have only a few days before this package, like HONDA / NISSAN / BMW / M-Benz.


The car OBDII Circuit Board decoration can teach you a lot

Car Audio
Good car audio for motorists who kind of  
OBDII Circuit Board  enjoyment. Many owners of the original car stereo and not satisfied, then go to the auto parts store to buy your favorite audio. Many unscrupulous businesses to take advantage of the owners do not have the expertise to deceive consumers. The owner Mr. Liu is one. His new car at the roadside shops put on foreign business called Premium Sound. The results found in the use, the sound quality is poor, and can not be used due to the format of different radio. Go back and find businesses repair businesses refused to do after-sales service for its no invoice.
The riders Tip: buy car audio should check the manufacturer's sales license, to observe the manufacturing process, audition sound quality, go to the the audio manufacturers website check product serial number to identify genuine and fake products. The product must have a a formal warranty card, fill out the date of sale, cover sales unit effective seal. Consumers should carefully read the terms of the warranty to confirm the warranty time warranty locations, request an invoice. At the time of purchase is not only to pay attention to the price of the host, the price of the power amplifier and speaker is also very important. In addition, the car audio is semi-professional design and configuration, installation and construction and commissioning, in order to achieve the desired state.
Car perfume
Roadside shop selling of car accessories, car perfume, priced ranging from a few dollars to tens of dollars on such products  
Programmeur de clé automobile in order to cater to the part of the consumer can enjoy a cheap high-end consumer psychology, mostly used in the packaging can not see understand Foreign logo. According to industry sources, more than 90% of these perfume are "three no" products, blending industrial alcohol, reach not only refreshing, purify the air the opposite also secondary pollution of the air inside the car, affect the carriageway security.
Leather seats
Many so-called leather seats, the value of 3000-5000 yuan actual value of just a few hundred yuan, half leather half leather or else leather instead of real leather. An ordinary five cars to use the medium imported water leather seats will cost about 2,500 yuan, less than the price, certainly not leather. These skin can not withstand high temperatures, exposure, no matter how well-maintained, no access to a year, it will crack.
Under normal circumstances, the dermis can generally use more than 5-8 years.
Car navigation
Navigator powerful, but not very lost your way. Hashi bikers Mr. Du month ago, spent 2,000 yuan installed a car navigation  
lexia 3 v47  use did not take long, Navigator twice Mr. Du received the dirt road, the result and with great perspicacity to withdraw. Later, after the professional identification Navigator purchased by Mr. Du built-in electronic map was actually pirated. Businesses are mostly not a navigator quality problems, can not provide a map upgrade the grounds, refused owners compensation requirements.


How to recognize the merits of GM Tech2 explosion film

Now, the car explosion-proof film has almost  GM Tech2 become the must be equipped with equipment in every car on the road before, but to identify the pros and cons of the car explosion-proof membrane has been plagued by many riders. To conclude, the inferior car film has the following characteristics and hazards:
, Low-grade solar film clarity due to the low driving blurred vision, dizziness, reaction is slowed down, causing the accident happened.
Is too high, low-grade solar film reflective items reflected on the front windshield interfere with vision, often make the instrument sets to form a safety hazard.
, Poor solar film thickness is not enough, not strong viscous glass splash 0 can not be blocked when the accident happened, causing bodily harm.
Residual volatile substances that harm human health. One of the poor quality film is dyed film, I believe many of my friends have seen the stain, also heard of the sense of smell of the stain. Chemical varnish stain layer will cause the car pollution and damage to human health.
, Chemical layer absorbs heat, causing the glass hidden. Inferior film can easily result in the glass burst its characteristics: First, the chemical varnish heat coming changes, making the original performance gradually lose; absorb heat and glass temperature, long-term expansion and contraction, and  
Autel MaxiDAS DS708  ultimately cause the glass to burst.
A good solar film to bring the benefits of car owners is indisputable, I believe that a lot of owners are fully understood, so how to choose a suitable own solar film is particularly important. According to the domestic well-known brand Anji yellow hat shop professionals: solar film selection does not necessarily import must be good, the fact whether imported or domestically produced, as long as it is a regular manufacturer can guarantee the quality, and the film itself some of the data evaluation criteria is uniform, so the choice of solar film when we need to focus on is a the Solar Films few important indicators: light transmittance, heat rate, UV blocking rate, the film hardness (toughness), and construction environment professional level.
Anji yellow hat shop a lot of knowledge about solar film introduced. Such as: Automotive Solar Films 5 functional partitioning: the first function senses directly Remarks attention the Solar Films insulation effect, solar film insulation important reference index is the rate that the infra-red rejection; second large feature UV barrier function of female consumers are most concerned about the senses are not so directly, but the the ultraviolet well-known powerful bactericidal function of additional skin damage can not be ignored; third largest feature is the sun has been neglected by owners film powerful explosion-proof function, When an accident occurs, the the Solar Films of explosion-proof characteristics make car broken glass may minimize the maximum to avoid shattering glass splash of occupant damage, and can be said is a potential  
Volvo Vida Dice Diagnostic Tool  security; the second solar film manufacturing process two additional features: a glass-enclosed color to increase the beauty as well as reducing the increase in light transmittance mystery.


DO you understand the insulation film's lexia 3 v47?

With the emergence of a large number  lexia 3 v47 of OEM products, poor insulation film filled with the entire market. Surface because the owners do not understand the expertise, it is difficult to careful study. In fact, the deeper reason is that the owners have failed to recognize the hazards of poor quality insulation film, most of the owners may think that even if accidentally buy inferior, the big deal is to lose some money. In fact, the the poor quality Shenzhen insulation film implies a lot of ills, we talk about its hazards.
Clarity, endangering traffic safety national Ministry of Public Security Traffic Safety regulations specified must be greater than 70%, the transmittance of the front windshield. Frankly, how many there will be some impact on the film on the front windshield sight, only high-quality film and bad film, very different in this regard. Quality film will strictly enforce the light transmission standard, as far as possible to minimize the impact of so negligible, while the the inferior film a hidden danger is the transmittance does not meet the standard. This is why some car Foil was blurred, especially in the rainy night driving.
Residual volatile matter, which harm human health, poor quality film stained film, I believe many of my friends have seen the stain, also heard of the sense of smell of the stain. Chemical varnish stain layer will cause the car pollution and damage to human health.
, Chemical adhesive layer absorbs  
BMW OPS DIS V57 heat, causing the glass hidden in Guangdong, there was a film sell very fire, but has now almost disappeared, I heard that dealers have been because of quality problems boycott, one of the main problems is the The film can easily lead to the glass burst this test was done at the time, baking in the light, whichever is the template, the diaphragm soon warpage, again testing watered down effect. This is the a typical endothermic film, which is characterized by: First, the chemical varnish heat coming changes, so that the original performance gradually lost; absorb heat the glass temperature is too high, the long-term expansion and contraction, eventually leading to the glass burst.
, Note purchase points, the correct choice of products the following performance indicators are optional key: quality heat proof film insulation heat rate market rate is between 40% -70%, the heat rate of more than 80% The solar film does not exist. UV blocking rate generally heat proof film UV blocking rate of only 40%, while the quality of insulation explosion-proof membrane because its deep filling ultraviolet absorbers such indicators can be up to 99% more. Insulation on the market explosion-proof film visible light transmittance of visible light transmittance of 50% -75%, before the 
VAS 5054A  regulations block the light transmittance of the glass is required to achieve 70%, so should pay attention to their consumers pick the front windshield film through the light rate to be 70%. Visible reflectance of visible light reflected the high rate of heat proof film to reflect heat, and general film reflective rate should not exceed 10% of the front windshield, or they might affect the safety of driving.


Change the driving test Vas 5054a imported Mazda CX-5

Just over a month ago, in Beijing to attend the  Vas 5054a Mazda CX-5 domestic market conference. That is also the author of the first to see the Mazda main push in the domestic based on the new technology in a cross-border urban SUV cars - the CX-5, do this after the conference ended also produced on Mazda Chong Chi blue sky " resolve the feature article. However, in the after Price announced I had a rough ride at the press conference after the simple the CX-5, found somewhere and nothing can impress all what they seem Mazda style remains the same, there is not much the highlights. But in more than a month after a day, we get new CX-5 evaluation vehicle only after two days of conventional urban evaluation, let the author and partner colleagues CX-5 generated strong enthusiasm.
Conference to see the CX-5 is not too deep impression, perhaps in a closed non-normal light, it does not seem to excel, but I can responsibly tell you that in reality, CX-5 is indeed a considerable city ​​SUV  
Vas 5054a Interface Naikan. Today, almost all of the urban SUV advertised powerful by, from a design standpoint talk the more rigid lines and angular design to meet the consumers favor of SUV performance, the CX-5's design inspiration comes from Mazda a concept sports car "soul moving new design concepts into one, can not help but to see in the day-to-day street could not help but to look at the two.
The central tenet of the design concept of the "soul moving is chaos waist and bold lines compressed into a distinctive shape and flow lines, CX-5 either the front face or sideways all have totally different from the waistline to bring out the special temperament. At the same time distinguish material festooned the front bumper to the wheel eyebrow, and finally to the rear bumper of the black  
ds708 scanner people feel is not just a city SUV CX-5, but more like a medium-sized Crossover.
CX-5 contains the main expression is a simple and practical attitude, and do not use too much detail lending a rider for the service. Cortex wrapped car and no to utilize Fangmu or excessive, but rather the piano lacquer trim strips and the side door of the brushed metal handle, revealing Mazda movement seems to have long-silent breath. However, although the current consumer users of the urban SUV models the age generally high, but I then common enough on the CX-5 interior revealed his affection.


The Infiniti G37 lossless installed fresh Vas 5054a wave 165A3

Infiniti G37 as the Japanese high-end cars, it has Vas 5054a a shape of a surging flow of power lines by many pursuit speed car faithful love. Infiniti original car with nine speakers, all BOSE sound system. BOSE sound system adopted by many high-end models.

 Infiniti G37 sound system assigned to three minutes before the sound field frequency, 2.5-inch tweeter, midrange, a 3.5-inch mid-bass, 10-inch outside magnetic bass speaker. 6-inch speaker, the sound field with a 10-inch subwoofer, rear bulkhead behind with BOSE amplifier. Although Infiniti G37 with nine speakers, but many riders Infiniti stereo bass feel enough lack of depth of the sense of speed. The bikers said: Infiniti car bass speakers front door 9 or 10-inch bass, the latter comes with a subwoofer why bass is so thin, the overall performance why is it so poor it? "In fact, many Youhui think BOSE the sound has been very good, in fact, not a lot of high-end car although the   Vas 5054a Interface original came out with some of the more well-known brand sound system, but the majority of low-end products. So that is not normally like the sound of the original car with well-known brands of its overall performance.

 The owners of this G37 is a young man like modified, prior to the Platinum Rui Si to the Infiniti G37 from the exterior, interior, sound were refit after communication to the owners configure the set of the world's leading car audio French fresh wave divide suit, original location, lossless installation.

First, set the system is lossless installation is a bright spot, treble, alto, bass horn be suitable mounting in the original position, without changes to the original car interior.
Fresh wave 165A3 speakers everywhere permeated with the Frenchman's romantic wit, its sound quality is pure 
Vas 5054a Original Version  sweet it is amazing, very suitable for pop music, classical music, fever vocal reproduction. Treble clearer than the original car, the entire system layering or a low frequency no prior dive so deep, but neat than before, just the intensity


Intake air OBD2 Scanner Code pressure sensor

Overview of the intake air pressure sensor
EFI engine intake pressure sensor is
OBD2 Scanner Code used to detect the intake air amount is called a D-type injection system (speed-density type). Intake air pressure sensor detects the intake air is not directly detected as the intake air flow sensor, instead of using indirect detection, but also influenced by many factors, and thus there are many different from the amount of the sensor into the airflow in the detection and repair , arising from the failure of its particularity.
Intake air pressure sensor works
Intake pressure detected by the sensor section, the the valve rear of the intake manifold absolute pressure, which in accordance with the engine speed and the magnitude of the load detected by the change of the absolute pressure in the manifold, and then converted into a signal voltage supplied to the electronic controller (ECU) , ECU according to the magnitude of the voltage of this signal, the control of the size of the basic fuel injection quantity.
More types of intake air pressure sensor, pressure-sensitive resistive and capacitive. As the pressure-sensitive resistive response time, high detection accuracy, small size and installation advantages of flexible, they have been widely used in the D-type injection system.
The varistor type intake pressure sensor works.
Strain resistor R1, R2, R3, R4, and they constitute a Wheatstone bridge and are bonded together with the silicon diaphragm. Silicon diaphragm in the manifold absolute pressure can be deformed, thereby causing a change in resistance of the strain resistance R, the higher the manifold absolute  
MaxiScan OBD2 Scanner pressure, the greater the deformation of the silicon diaphragm, thereby the greater the change in resistance of the resistor R . That mechanical changes of the silicon diaphragm is transformed into an electrical signal, and then output to the ECU by IC amplified.
The output characteristics of the intake air pressure sensor
During engine operation, as the throttle opening degree of change, the degree of vacuum within the intake manifold absolute pressure, and the output signal characteristic curve changes. However, changes in the relationship between them is what? The output characteristic curve is positive or negative? This problem is often difficult to be understood, that some maintenance personnel in the work with a feeling of "not sure".


The nissan consult 3 gearbox role and retrofitting

The role of the gearbox
A car's transmission system
nissan consult 3 on the car's speed, fuel consumption and even bend on the performance have a decisive impact, but this part has been less attention for domestic modification fans. The car's transmission system, including the gearbox, clutch, flywheel, differential and drive shaft. Let me talk about the gearbox, it is a part of the best big man in the transmission system. Its name implies, the gearbox is used to "change" speed, any engine has its optimum working range, also known as dynamic area (power band), refers to the engine can be issued the maximum or close to maximum power and maximum torque speed (rpm) range. In general, the driver is able to engine speed to maintain hope in the driving power the region in the most efficient transmission function is in maintaining the premise of constant engine speed, variable-rate through different gear to change the driving speed of the car.
Gore variable rate table, we can see that the factory designed deliberately to Gore's 3-5 (3-5 gear of the speed difference of 28km / h and 31 km / h gear variable rate difference Widen general power comparable to the difference between the sports car should be 25km / h or less), with benefit to reduce Gower fuel consumption and engine noise in a high-speed cruise (100km / h and above), but also  
X-431 Diagun  weakened the car in 4 block (especially) and 5-speed acceleration force Gore to reach top speed in most cases, only 4 block.
The gearbox modification: replace the final pass
For performance-oriented modification fans, how to strengthen the force of the speed of the car is the issue they care about. In fact, in addition to modified engine, the most to improve the ability of the speed of the car is modified gearbox (rate), in the case of Gore, if you can increase the variable rate, for example, the final pass ratio (final drive ratio, the main deceleration ratio) to 4.5 (15% increase), once they are full gear within the engine speed pulled 15% and shorten the engine from low speed even the time required by the maximum the hp peak value point raised to the power zone, directly improve car speed on each block.


Naturally unlock tool for toyota aspirated engine retrofit turbine

An engine can output horsepower theoreticall  unlock tool for toyota  depends on its displacement, that is displacement, the stronger the bigger the engine can theoretically output horsepower. Large displacement engine, for various reasons, and restricted, then at least in torque over a small displacement engine. Small displacement engine is not must not output high-powered? Qingkui a technology derived from aircraft - the emergence of turbine. Is driven turbine use abandoned forced to inject fresh air into the engine cylinder, so that the small-displacement engine can also get a large displacement engine air, plus on oil than the setting can be like a large displacement engine The horsepower and torque.
Turbine engine since there are so many benefits, why many manufacturers turbine models models? The turbo engine also has its drawbacks, it is expensive, the cost is high, short engine life, fuel consumption, maintenance cost.
Advocating horsepower naturally aspirated 'owners, in order to increase the horsepower. Its way to nothing more than a limited increase in engine displacement, increase cylinder compression ratio, increase the throttle and other methods, in fact, the above modification method works.
If you want further if it is to replace the high angle camshaft, but the replacement of the high angle camshaft will give  
unlock tool peugeot a lot of trouble in the day-to-day use, such as instability with speed, easy to die fire air conditioning, low-speed, low speed can not be used lose too much torque, and higher fuel consumption problems arise, the most important Natural gas vehicles into trouble is also to enhance the power of 100, Natural gas vehicles than the turbo cars spend a lot of money, so this also makes Natural gas vehicles to be fitted turbine become today's mainstream reform law
Vehicles to fit naturally aspirated engine turbine need modified parts include several aspects: 1 exhaust header segment, 2 turbines body, 3 exhaust the preceding paragraph, intake cooler (which is often said that the cold). 5 high-strength pipe, 6 oil supply computer, intake system 7, 8 pressure relief valve. The above is a natural air intake car converted into a turbo car modified parts necessary, if you would like further then you can increase the oil cooler. Installation of turbine must first have a meet exhaust header segment specifications turbine head segment (banana), packages available in the market today are mold casting, unified specifications for such casting the first paragraph, the tube wall thickness, strength structure.

 Material most people seldom go to pay attention to the casting head segment, generally use a cast iron prices can reduce   Unlock Tool For Volvo some of the long period of expansion and contraction, relatively easy to have cracks phenomenon, so there are vendors in order once and for all, and simply use white iron alloy composition to casting, such Tau relatively high price, but had broken test after years of not occurred. There is a manual welding head segment had to turbine head segment upgrade retrofitting can hope to achieve as long as flow rate equal effect, but due to the the bending angle Exhibition, split face, must piece by piece to welding completed, has a perfect curve advantages, but the erosion of the high-pressure turbine hyperthermia, fracture is the most vexing problem. Such high output header is less durable.
But I long ago learned that currently have a way to solve the above problem, that is the use of high-tech CNC bending machine, elbow forming manufactured molded directly from the exhaust outlet to the turbine inlet, so a bent portion to completely weld the inner diameter Irregularity exclude have Cracks phenomenon.


New car maintenance knowledge - need plus lexia 3 tail?

Tail, also known as the tail wing, was first  lexia 3  seen mounted on a high-speed racing, and later some car production plant is also part of the three boxes, two boxes car applications. Tail the wind wing in the role of high-speed airflow for high-speed vehicles do have the role of the stability of the rear of the vehicle, but there is a premise; That is the the windage shape and set the speed of the car to have a precise fit, otherwise, it is futile.

Due to the emergence of the tail wing, causing part of the attention of fans and hobbies, and more important to do some car decorating business boss that this is a market, but also significant graphic.

So the market wing of the different styles can be optional, but have one thing in common: a tail wind wing can be applied to conventional urban road speed, it is impossible to adapt to an amazing array of shape at high speed.

So; various tail wing only appreciate the value of no practical significance. As to appreciate the value of different opinions, some  
obd2 scanner   people think that good-looking, and some people think ugly.

I've seen a comic:

Painting a large tail wing mounted stop the car in a little low, who can not read; aviation home over shook his head and said: "It does not fly up, not the aircraft; strategist over shook his head and said:" It not weapons, firing not missile "; Wrangler in turn shook his head and said:" bolt horse and too thin! "decorating boss in the side laughing:" are the SB, I relied so rich! "

Although this is a cartoon, but also shows that the tail wing is useless, especially some very exaggerated tail more than the width of the vehicle body, blocking the line of sight, the driving is very unfavorable.

As for the value of  
Diagnostics OBD2 appreciation, a layman looked puzzled, not to mention good-looking. The insiders know useless met, only bared to laugh. Only themselves and kind friend appreciate the Shihai complacent, I feel like the emperor's new clothes. But the emperor has no clothes feel or have a price, and that is this car to go, there is a sign, car repair and decoration met so that the Lord will never be soft, fat-site!


Drift Ford VCM essential modification parts

Drift is an extremely professional  Ford VCM handling skills, it is so that the front of the point and the larger the angle between the actual body movement direction, so that the body sideslip cornering the family of operating. Its purpose is for restraint when cornering, understeer, in fact drift biggest purpose is to increase the ornamental grip to the asphalt surface is now completely excuses.
Then the drift is how to achieve it? Drift action in order to make, in fact, by the conditions, that is to make the rear tires have lost most (or all) of grip, while the front wheels maintain grip; as long as the front wheel lateral force, the car will drift to drift. But the problem out in the day-to-day driving (only rear-drive), can start when deep step on the gas, tires empty slip phenomenon, but always felt on both sides of the tire and not very obedient, see vehicle drift in the movie always so easy, why their car does not obey it? removal of driving technological factors outside of it is critical, is that your car is not installed "LSD"!
Ordinary vehicles use the traditional differential and can not properly take care of both sides of the tire when the car high-speed cornering, the inner and outer tires will walk away a different length, and produce inner and 
Ford VCM Ids outer tire speed varies, likely to cause the inside tire idling side, but caused the engine power of conventional differential will concentrate to the idling of continuous idling, the vehicle will reduce the ability of continuous progress. So, we think the car is very obedient, difficult to control.
However, when you install the LSD, both sides of the tire speed different disappears. Although LSD is the same speed varies according to both sides of the tire and change the ratio of the power, but unlike traditional differential power to the inside of tires, LSD is sent to the outside tire, so that the inside of the tire idling will not continuous idling down the outside of the heavy load tires have a greater power, and LSD to make the car more smooth cornering, drivers can more easily manipulate the car forward.
LSD many types suitable for 
Vag Com Usb Kkl Interface  modification, usually more common are mechanical the LSD, which 2way, 1way. Belong to the form of a mechanical LSD. The 1way representative LSD only at accelerated conditions will Activity. 2way added deceleration effect. 1.5way is accelerating effect, but the effect of deceleration only part. There is also a so-called 25% .... 45% LSD, these are used to represent the LSD lock, limited slip larger the number, the more intense effect.


Special MB Star C3 prompt maintenance vehicles

Car maintenance is simple, nothing too MB Star C3 dangerous, but if you do not pay attention to the safety of the unpleasant things also occur, such as in vehicle maintenance and minor damage occurred, contact the engine exhaust and Jijian the toxic liquids. Own car maintenance in terms of security, there are nine bogey.A bogey in unventilated garage run the engine for a long time. The engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a toxic gas which is a kind of invisible and smell vain. A long time at a low concentration of carbon monoxide gas, can cause headaches, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, physically weak and dizzy, mental confusion and other symptoms, and even brain damage. Start the engine in the garage, should the garage door open or open exhaust devices, in order to keep the exhaust garage. Even open-air operations, and do not stay long in the work of the engine near the exhaust pipe.Hanged mouth suction tube. Gasoline is not only flammable and explosive, and toxic. Leaded gasoline will damage the human nervous system, the digestive tract and kidneys. Further, the gasoline further contains a high concentration of sulfide, and also have some toxicity due to hydrogen sulfide, the gasoline inhalation stomach, cause poisoning or death. In case of inhalation, should be  Renault CAN Clip  forced vomiting and in a timely manner to the hospital for treatment.Third, avoid stained carburetor cleaner. Methyl chloride, most of the carburetor in the cleaning agent contains aromatic and ethanol, these substances have a certain degree of toxicity, and thus these substances are inhaled to intranasal or splashing on the skin and eyes, are very dangerous .Fourth, avoid mechanical damage. Associated with all aspects of car maintenance, during the maintenance operation, job flag should be set to prevent the misuse of other people hurt. Should pay attention to when you start the car, the transmission gear to prevent car malfunction wounding. Work under the hood, the others should be allowed to leave the cab to prevent the engine suddenly rotation or others operated control and cause injury. If you need to operate under the car, should be set to the obvious signs and car cover car wooden mask. Jack support car jack placed smooth. Ready before driving driving the tool (driving stool), with bricks and other fragile objects. When the  Volvo VIDA DiCE  assembly is installed, do not hand tentatively screw holes, keyhole, etc. to avoid rolling off the fingers. Test when the engine is not operating under the car.


Modification of the car obd2 software trip computer (ECU)

Modern car in every aspect of the application of  obd2 software computers, microcomputers in the driver's seat alone can set the memory seats, mirrors and steering wheel down, motorists can quickly switch to use previously set to their ideal driving position. But in the eyes of modification enthusiasts, the computer has only one chip, and that is to control the vehicle power Engine Control Unit (ECU engine control unit). Superchips apply this year, foreign car chip performance brands have entered the Chinese market, a relatively well-known brand Superchips, REVO, NEUSPEED, which REVO, NEUSPEED mainly focused on the modification of the mass of cars, while the 30-year history in the UK more than 90% of the domestic market models.1, trip computer (ECU), the basic principles ofLet the engine generate power, we first want a certain proportion of air and fuel supply to the cylinder (generally air-fuel ratio AFR value set at 1: 14.7, ie a fuel, 14.7 parts of air, this proportion of the most environmentally friendly required), then at a suitable timing of this air-fuel mixture ignited, expanded gas generated in the combustion process will just reach the cylinder stroke vertex piston pushdown  OBDII Code Info to generate power. The basic essentials looks very simple, and should not have access to superb electronic about, but the reality often than expected complicated, first of all the driving speed of the car is not fixed, the higher the driving speed, the engine will need to obtain more much air. In order to maintain the stability of the air-fuel ratio cases, the car's fuel supply system must be corrected accordingly fuel supply. In each moment and conditions to make the right amount of air-fuel mixture into the engine at the best time for complete combustion, the ideal realm of engineers have been pursuing since the invention of the automobile, but the mechanical carburetor and The ignition system is always up to less than such a comprehensive and perfect effect until computerized electronic ECU before this situation is completely different.Electronic ECU is a microcomputer, within integrated circuits and other sophisticated electronic components, and acts as a "central nervous system", which is stored a large number of the ideal value of the  OBD2 Scanner Code supply of fuel corresponding to different weather conditions and engine operating conditions and the ignition timing The value of the portfolio. "Central nervous system through the intake manifold air flow from many sensors, temperature, throttle opening angle, abridged shaft speed data collection, analysis and calculations, in thousandths of a second high-speed oil to meet the real-time environment and working conditions,


Tire guru teach you to pick a Volvo PROSIS tires

Tire guru to teach you to pick a city SUV tiresAs the saying goes, a good horse with a good saddle, urban  Volvo PROSIS SUV is no exception. In recent years, with the SUV's hot, more and more owners are keen on different according to their needs, to put on different performance tire for the car. However, the the common SUV tire choice? Selection of tires should focus on what characteristics? These are very demanding, and requires careful consideration. Global off-road tires Masters Cooper Tire (Cooper Tires) will give you eleven to resolve these issues.
Used SUV and 4X4 off-road tires four categories: UHP, HT, AT, MT. HT, AT and MT, respectively, on behalf of a high-speed road pavement three using the orientation of the ultimate off-road all-terrain road, UHP, also used in the high-speed road pavement is developed based on the HT performance based on the ultra-high performance tires. HT tire fine pattern will bring enough comfort addition to noise, the soft, thin sidewalls provide the filter damping performance, and provide maximum grip on a good paved road, and not let you slam the brakes and cornering on tenterhooks. HT tire design to highlight its road characteristics, weakened the off-road performance. AT tire on the balance between road and off-road, but myself the best choice.
AT tire tread compared to HT tire tread, slightly rough, fetal teeth spacing is slightly larger than the HT tire, this design allows the tire has excellent row of stone and drainage, have obvious advantages in the muddy road. In the same time, its durability and non-paved road adhesion more than the HT tire, therefore, it 
Autre key maker automobile is referred to as all-terrain tires. For MT tires towards the other end of the balance, the non-paved road like gravel road, flying stone landslide, hail road, muddy road, swamps, the Gobi Desert and other complicated road is its world MT tires through such fulfill the plains, there is no pressure. Of course, in the pursuit of the ultimate off-road experience, its ride comfort relative HT, AT becomes slightly less. UHP tire is a the highway pavement "aristocratic tire. In the design, formulation, production process to spare no effort to improve sports performance, making this type of tire performance has excellent performance in all respects.
Of course, it also highlights the "aristocratic" status, usually UHP tires used for the adaptation of the luxury car tire. In summary, HT tire asphalt suitable for city and highway driving, the brakes, mute, handling advantages can be the perfect embodiment road and urban SUV owners choice. AT tires in the outstanding balance of road and off-road performance to meet occasionally set foot in the country trail of muddy gravel sections, ideal for general off-road enthusiasts like leisure 
New 150W DC12V out outing. MT tires so the ultimate off-road tire, can overcome all extreme road conditions, is very suitable for favorite challenge the limits, the depth of the cross-country fans enjoy cross-country life.