
Beware of old used cars in summer

The high temperature in summer is the high incidence of spontaneous combustion car. According to the after-sales department of the the Beijing Hyundai Pengao 4S shop Technical Director Jiaoyong Hai introduced, spontaneous combustion, aging, short circuit, circuit modification, engine oil, engine temperature and other causes, especially prone to more than 10 years old models . Current reporter based on the recommendations of experts concluded several precautions to prevent spontaneous combustion reminder for older models owners.
Regular maintenance
In the summer, the old cars at high temperatures for a long time, already aging line easily induced car ignition. Old used car owners in peacetime car also can check the car appliances, car and other related accessories loose discovery engine oil, must be timely to go to the dealership for inspection.
Is worth noting that, due to the higher cost, the old owners often do not choose the regular 4S shop car maintenance, but experts suggest that we must repair shop for technical fly, otherwise non-standard operations may pose a security risk to the car .
Do not store flammable materials in the car
The car ignition is not necessarily the car itself the problem, there are many personal bad car habits. Everyday car, many owners like lighters, perfume, deodorants on the car. As everyone knows, these combustibles prolonged exposure in the sun, it is easy to expansion explosion, causing a fire.
Try to avoid changing the car line
The refit has become a fashion. Many owners for their car was equipped with the upgrade, sometimes it is difficult to avoid the need to change the car line. Line replacement is one of the most important reason of spontaneous combustion multiple irregular
Fan operation is likely to exceed the scope of coverage of the insurance company. To this end, the experts suggest that if necessary transformation to make use of "special car accessories is no need to replace the line, the line must be replaced, you must go to a professional conversion shop operation, the owner does not recommend the individual to make alterations.
Fire extinguishers and no less
MOT, the fire extinguisher is required, and its importance. But there are a lot of owners in the annual inspection by a deceived clearance, and can not really pay attention to it. In fact, the fire extinguisher at the crucial moment can play a big role, timely and effective treatment to reduce losses to a large extent. In addition, general fire extinguishers shelf life of one year, a vehicle to pay attention to check the fire extinguisher gas leaks, dry caking. If the fire extinguisher is expired, its extinguishing effect will be greatly reduced.
> Fire-fighting tips
An engine compartment fire, occupants should immediately get off. Fire fighting, experts recommend must not set off the hood, so as not to increase because of the increase in the fire of oxygen. Small fires with a fire extinguisher in the network crevice spray, fire off before opening the cover, direct spray a fire extinguisher at the flames still burning.
If the fire is large, we do not try to self-extinguishing with a fire extinguisher, should ensure personal safety case, immediately call the fire call for help.

