
How to keep a car better

Car in motion, in effect, to the four tires. However, some people will inevitably buy various brands of imported tires into the purchase misunderstanding. Out of psychological factors, many consumers prefer the original imported tires.
Car maintenance cycle refers to the vehicle maintenance and the interval mileage or time. Maintenance should be periodically, do not spoil your car like a spoiled child, frequent maintenance, though not a bad thing, but it must periodically to avoid excessive maintenance and cause internal discomfort. The car initially normal maintenance, relatively low cost; vehicles use a certain number of years or after driving a certain mileage will enter the maintenance period, the relatively high cost.
General car in good condition and a new car may be appropriate to extend the maintenance cycle; poor condition of the car or the use of harsh conditions, it should be appropriate to shorten the maintenance cycle.
Reasonable purchase insurance.
Many car owners to buy auto insurance, often buy "over-insurance and underinsurance. Excess insurance, that insurance limit is higher than the actual value of the subject matter of the insurance, such as the purchase of a value of 12 million cars insured amount of 30 million pilfer the event of a total loss, damages awarded only 12 million . "Insurance Law" provisions of Article 39 (2): the amount of insurance shall not exceed the insured value exceeds the insured value, more than some invalid, that is, the insurer only in the subject matter insured losses corresponding compensation, and not because the purchase Insurance derive revenue beyond the subject matter of the insurance value. Underinsurance, the insured limit is lower than the actual value of the subject matter insured, this case will be "in proportion to Peifu.
3 simple parts can be replaced
Wiper these secondary checks are relatively simple to replace their own brand they want to buy online, and simple inspection and installation.
4. Filter to the repair shop to replace
One should always pay attention to the cleaning of the filter on the car. Do not underestimate it, it directly affects your car fuel. , Dust and other impurities in the automotive internal combustion engines using the process will continue to be mixed with the oil, air and combustion exhaust gas, the oxidation of the oil, make oil gradually produce glial or sludge, which not only will accelerate the wear of the parts, but also easily cause oil Road blockage. So regular car cleaner to clean it.
5 imported tires are not necessarily the best choice
Car in motion, in effect, to the four tires. However, some people will inevitably buy various brands of imported tires into the purchase misunderstanding. Out of psychological factors, many consumers prefer the original imported tires. In fact, foreign launch of the new tires in terms of domestic users, the price is too high do not say, and does not necessarily apply
6 due to the tire inflation
The corrected tire pressure is the most important part of the security check. The tire pressure is too low will cause abnormal wear or tire internal damage to the tire pressure too high will make the tires and wheels are more vulnerable to the impact of the uneven pavement deformation, and even lead to a flat tire. The tire pressure must be checked regularly, outside spare tire, other tire check at least two weeks time, tire pressure check is carried out in the case of tires cooled, otherwise the high temperature causes the tire pressure to rise, the amount of them are not allowed . Also often do not forget to check the spare tire pressure is normal
7 two years just for once antifreeze
When the weather turns cold, the cold air coming to a sudden temperature drop is likely to affect the normal work of automobile cooling system. At this time we should let go of the tap water in the tank in a timely manner using antifreeze instead. If your car has been in use antifreeze, you do not have to be immediately replaced. Antifreeze replacement cycle for two years, general antifreeze replacement cycle for 2 years to 3 years, or traveling 30,000 km to 40,000 km. Some antifreeze storage after one year, there will be a small amount of flocculent precipitate this phenomenon is mostly additive precipitation, do not have to throw away. If there is a large number of particles to settle, and that the antifreeze has changed, no longer used. Need for everyone to be reminded that, replace the antifreeze, do not forget to clean the engine.

