
The woman favorite miniature car - Analysis female car market

Ago, the boy thought is "love her to buy things for her," that the girl pick gifts received mercy, but also think that is the right and proper thing. Said to send the car a lot, it can be called "COOL". Now, whoever is sending a car, it may be suspected of a great lack of respect for the new era of women. With their own cars, to go its own way, women buy a car fashion trends.59.1% of the female car mini cars
To ask female fellow preference for what car, it is estimated that 10 women have 10 kinds of argument, not the "Woman fickle". But it can be expected that women love to make people love and affection of the small models for the kind of small, which is women born manifestation of motherhood. Domestic cars in the special survey visit, 59.1% of women owners are driving mini cars, brand-based, while most of the Alto, QQ is the most. In dense urban traffic, mini cars seems to be the spokesperson of the women's car. Seen from the side, the car opened, can not err, oh, or too absurd, after all, is also forthright men like them yet.
Overall, the women's selection range is quite wide-ranging, involving a total of 13 kinds the respondents of brand models, except for the high proportion of micro cars, like imported cars, mid-size, proportion of economy cars are more close accounted for 9.1%, 13.6% and 18.2%, respectively.
Red White Cruncher
Ruled China for many years in a dark business models, like the red dress in the movie colorful car gradually into people's lives. Become their favorite female life cheerful and bright, warm and generous red, 31.8% driving a red whirlwind investigation beauty. Unlike the beauty of Ferrari's speed, red whirlwind is a concept of the new woman is an attitude to life. White symbolizes purity, which men imagine women best word. A color like white women have fellow owners accounted for 27.3%. And different red and white car owners think white is more representative of an identity and conservation, and the user does not like red so confined, are best to wait on the kind. Driving a dark-colored car ratio is 13.6%, which is not too low. With the improvement of women's social status, in addition to family reasons of public car masculine identity requirements. Most of the women groups mature workplace experts.
24 brands car the next election
Taking into account the diversification of the brand today, when this option is set to select an open question. The results of the survey showed that the female car brand in the future more than the brand now has reached 24. Select a wide range of future female car the most important feature of the women car is also an upward trend. The survey shows that 22.2% of female prospective owners QQ and popular series of shunt. For female owners, their car requirements and market reaction is consistent, that is the price and quality, QQ and popular series of fully illustrated psychological trend of their car.
Age income affect women car
In the survey, women buyers intend ,20-30 years old accounted for 33.3%. This is a main consumer group, most of them are open-minded, young and promising on consumer disposable capable of independent, this group of mostly white-collar workers and civil servants. 31-40 years accounted for 24%, which is a mature consumer groups, higher quality of service requirements of the automotive, these women are mostly corporate managers and operators. In addition, this group of 41-50-year-old can not be underestimated, career and life, most women have formed a stable state, they buy cars or actual need either to enjoy life.
In addition, the survey showed that the level of income and the purchaser is proportional to, which is also reflected rational female buyers. Monthly income of 1000-2999 yuan accounted for 38.9 percent select economic car in more than 90%; followed by monthly income of 3000-4999 yuan, accounting for 9.3%, their choice is a high-class car, mini cars also account for certain ratio. The monthly income of more than 10000 ratio of 5.6%, ranking third in their fancy imported cars, BMW Mercedes-Benz is the mainstream.
Throughout the survey, women car market is very active and very rational, women consider it very thoroughly for the car and the car. Statistics show that today's female owners accounted refrain prospective owners of upside there are at least two percent. Love their women to buy a car now.

